Friday, January 6, 2012


I am pleased to share that I was nominated for my first blog award, the Liebster Award!  Hooray!  Thank you, Kylie for nominating me for this wonderful award.  I am so honored!  J   Please be sure to check out Kylie’s new blog, Miss Smartie Pants! 

Now that I’ve been nominated for this award, it is time to pay it forward! 
Here are the rules:
1. Show your appreciation to the blogger who nominated you by linking back to their blog.
2.  Nominate other happy little blogs (200 followers or less)
3.  Post the award on your blog.
4. Make sure to check out what these up-and-coming blogs have to offer.
So… I would like to nominate some other wonderful blogs that I’ve just recently discovered for this award.  If you’re looking for some inspiration, be sure to check out these blogs:

Please check out these amazing blogs! 
Thanks for your support!  Happy blogging!!!!



  1. Wow! Thank you so much! Welcome to the blogging world. You're going to LOVE it!
    Your newest follower,
    Hopelessly Devoted to Teaching

  2. Chelsea - Hello!! And thanks for stopping by my blog :) I am SO excited to be blogging about teaching! I look forward to following your blog and hearing your ideas!

    Learn, Laugh, Grow

  3. Welcome to the blogging world! You'll be great :)

    Lisa :) (new follower)

  4. Hi Chelsea! I just noticed you're following me, and now I get to be your newest follower. Yea for us! Thanks for sharing your ideas with the world.
    Forever in First

  5. These awards are spreading like crazy! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger!


    Sliding into First!
